Blog posts

Recycling von Aluminium

Recycling aluminum

The European recycling rate for aluminum is 67 percent. In Austria (according to a study from 2000) 16,000 tons of aluminum are consumed every year through packaging. Likewise, 16,000 tons...

Recycling aluminum

The European recycling rate for aluminum is 67 percent. In Austria (according to a study from 2000) 16,000 tons of aluminum are consumed every year through packaging. Likewise, 16,000 tons...

Blauer Engel das Umweltzeichen

Blue Angel the environmental label

I am writing about this because as an artist (Elsa Marshall-Rothstein) I have been striving for years to purchase more environmentally friendly products when purchasing materials. There are plenty of...

Blue Angel the environmental label

I am writing about this because as an artist (Elsa Marshall-Rothstein) I have been striving for years to purchase more environmentally friendly products when purchasing materials. There are plenty of...